
This is an application form for offering workshops at Buddhafield Festival 2025. Our theme for 2025 is Uncovering the Jewel. The festival will run from Wednesday 16th July to Sunday 20th July. 

Please note: Our current offer is usually based on the exchange of TWO out of your three suggested workshops for ONE full 5 day festival ticket (plus a vehicle pass, if needed) - depending on the length and capacity of your workshops.

If you need an assistant facilitator, it is advisable that they have another route into the festival. 

BEFORE YOU START: This form should take about 30 minutes, if you are prepared with a photograph and your website link to hand. You can save your progress and return at any time. There are quite a few questions and some extra policy documents to read. If you are neurodiverse and struggle with reading and formulating text onscreen; you may want a friend to sit with you and dictate.

If your Workshop is more suited to one of the categories below, then this is the wrong application form for your offer. Please return to the applications page here and apply to that area when it is open. Please be aware that if your application is more suited to one of the below areas, it might not get processed or transferred across.

  • DJ/dance-tent/ecstatic dance
  • Soma Dance Space (no application process for this area at present as we are fully booked)
  • Yoga/Meditation
  • Dharma talks (no application process for this area but please visit the area on site and talk to a member of the team if you want to be consdidered for a future year)
  • Land and Social change
  • Kids Area
  • Green Crafts
  • Walkabout Performance
  • Spoken Word

Applications will close on 30th April. We will start processing applications from that date onwards, and we will contact every applicant with news by early June. We won't be able to comment on the progress of your application until after then, so please be patient. You can log in to your eventree account anytime to view your application details. We will contact you to offer you a slot or to let you know you have been unsuccessful.


We appreciate that this is a long form, but please answer as many questions as possible. Completing this form as fully as possible saves time and energy in the long run. We ask for all the information needed to find you an appropriate slot in one of our workshop spaces and promote you online, in the printed festival programme, and at the information point on site. 


The Workshops Team