Come and join us on our working retreat, practising together and supporting each other as we go delving deep into the Dharma which leads us to full awakening.
The clarion call of the Dharma will be emanating from the green yogi of Tibet!
Milarepa was a much-loved Tibetan yogi, poet, and inspirer of countless devotees of the Dharma. In many ways a true exemplar of living and practicing outdoors simply and effectively. His 'hundred thousand songs' composed whilst living in the caves of Tibet have inspired and guided Buddhist practitioners for many centuries. Exploring the great yogi’s songs of liberation we will dive into the themes that are vital to the heart's release and the liberation that is said to come from seeing deeply that all phenomena are empty by nature; and that includes us!
Our exploration of key Buddhist ideas of emptiness, impermanence and no fixed self will be accentuated by the task of taking down the retreat structures. The truth of Impermanence will pass through our hands as we engage with work as practice, sing the words that were 'written' by Milarepa in 11th century Tibet, and explore their potency and relevance for us practicing in 21st century Devon! Those attending will together see the Frog Mill site return to its human-free state -‘from form into emptiness’.
Expect Dharma talks, meditation, ritual and fireside chats; all centred around the dismantling of Buddhafield structures, moving the kit off-site and developing insight into the true nature of our experience.
This working retreat includes participation in the 'Touching the Earth – Introduction to Buddhism and Meditation' open retreat led by Amaragita and team. The retreat will be led by Amaragita and team and will begin with dinner at around 6pm on Wednesday 20 August and run to midday on Sunday 24 August - see more here.
Who is the Songs of the Green Yogi working retreat for?
Well to get the most out of this project you will be an adult of any age with a keen interest in community living, being outdoors soaked in nature, and have a sincere wish to understand the Buddhist teachings and how to put them into practice. You will have some experience of Buddhafield, the wider Triratna community, or other Buddhist traditions, and be familiar with meditation.
What time and work commitments are involved
We are asking for all participants to arrive by 6pm on Sunday 17 August, and be available to work until 12.30 pm on Monday, 1st September.
(Note some experienced team members will be asked to arrive on Saturday 16 August – you will know if this is you!).
This working retreat will have three phases:
In the first and third phase you might work 6-8 hours a day. An average day during these phases might be:
7.30am - meditation
8.15am - breakfast
9am - morning circle and check-in
9.30am - 12.30 pm - work period, with breaks as needed.
12.30pm - meditation
1pm - lunch
2pm - reconvene for work
5.30pm - meditation
6pm - dinner
8pm - shrine activity or talk
How do I apply?
You can apply for a place here. We aim to get back to you within a few weeks of your application. We'll let you know if you have been successful or not, or we may arrange a call to discuss your application further.
This working retreat will be led by Alobhin and Padmanandi, with support from Karunahridaya, Saffron, and other members of the Buddhafield community.
Alobhin is a member of the Triratna Order. He was ordained in 2006 and is currently living an itinerant life supporting Buddhafield for much of the summer months. He helps facilitate the Anuruddha project which is an hands on Dharma course for people who are relatively new to the Dharma and Buddhafield.
A member of the Triratna Buddhist Order. Part of the London Buddhist Centre Sangha for many years, she has practised and taught in Triratna teams, and lived in community since 2012. She has a fascination for myth, fairy tales and story.
She delights in creating rituals and spaces that weave together metta and the imagination.
Saffron first connected with Triratna over 20 years ago, and lives in a Triratna women's community. She is a Buddhist chaplain in a prison. She has a simple, practical way of engaging with Buddhist teaching and loves the combination of being on retreat, being outdoors, and doing practical work together to beautifully close the Buddhafield season.
Will I need to pay anything to take part in this working retreat?
Because this is a working retreat we are providing this event free of charge.
What food is provided?
3 organic vegan meals a day, plus snacks and drinks.
Do you cater for special diets?
Yes, we do. This will need a more person-specific conversation during your application process.
Are you open to those with accessibility needs?
Yes. If you disclose your needs on your application form, we can have a conversation about how the program could work for you.
Will I need to provide my own accommodation?
Yes, a tent or van, plus your own bedding.
Will I have any duties during the Touching the Earth retreat?
You will be able to participate in the Touching the Earth retreat as a full retreatant, which will include participating in the daily work periods. We will ask everyone to work on Wednesday 24th to prepare the site for the retreat.
During the Touching the Earth retreat the support team will consist of a team of volunteers with experience of supporting Buddhafield retreats.
Do I need to stay for the whole period?
Yes, we are asking all participants to stay for the whole period.
Are there any behavioural agreements when taking part in the programme?
Yes. No drinking alcohol or taking drugs while taking part. Also, no fish or meat on any of the sites or events.
The aim of the project is to create a temporary spiritual community together and we will be working with the 5 Precepts (These are: I undertake the training principle of abstaining from taking life. I undertake the training principle of abstaining from taking the not-given. I undertake the training principle of abstaining from sexual misconduct. I undertake the training principle of abstaining from false speech. I undertake the training principle of abstaining from intoxication.)
Can I bring my pets?
Unfortunately, we can't accommodate pets.
Can you accommodate children?
We will take it on a case-by-case basis.