Festival Frequently Asked Questions



Where and When

What are the dates for the 2024 Buddhafield Festival?

17th-21st July 2024

Why is Buddhafield a drug- and alcohol-free festival?

Great question! Find out more about that in this article.

Where is the festival site?

Visit our travel info page here.

What time does the festival start and end?

Gates open at 10am on Wednesday, and you need to leave site by Monday morning.

Can I leave the festival and get back in?

You can always leave the site. However, you can only get back in when the gate is open with your Buddhafield Festival wristband. The gate opens at 10am each morning, and closes at 9pm each night except for Sunday when we close at 6pm. 

How much are the tickets?

Please see the main event page for ticket prices. 

How do I buy tickets?

On the main event page through this website by credit/debit card.

Please note that we cannot take payments over the phone.

You will get confirmation of your booking within 24 hours of purchase. Your email barcode for entry to the event will be sent out approximately two weeks before the event.  You will need to bring this either on a device or as a printout to the event. 

Please check your spam folders before contacting us about a lost ticket, as we get a large volume of email and are a small team. 

Please make sure you buy the relevant vehicle pass. If you haven't bought one and you need to, you can still do this separately on the event page. We do sell vehicle passes on the gate, but they cost more and will only be available if we have not sold out. You are strongly advised to book your tickets in advance. 

If some of your party are arriving at different times, each person will need a copy of the booking confirmation email. 

Please do not buy your ticket from a third party especially tickets that are offered for sale on social media. There are scammers out there who offer our tickets for sale so, to be safe, please buy your tickets through this website. 

Tickets are non-transferable

Can I get a Concession ticket?

Concessions are for students and those some benefits such as child/working tax credits, Universal credit, housing benefit, Disability Living Allowance, etc. State pension and child benefit, by themselves, do not qualify. You will be asked to send proof of eligibility after booking. 

We do not sell concession tickets on the gate. 

I can’t come for the whole thing. Do you sell weekend or day tickets?

We don't sell weekend or day tickets. 

I can't find my email ticket - help!

Your booking confirmation comes from info@theticketsellers.co.uk. You will get your barcode tickets approximately two weeks before the event. Please do a search in your spam and other folders before contacting us about a lost ticket, as we get a large volume of email and are a small team. You may also want to check which email address you booked with, and if you have more than one mailbox, check both. If you still can't find anything, please get in touch

I can no longer attend the festival. Can I get a refund?

We're sorry you won't be able to make it. If you ask for a refund up until two weeks before the event, we offer an 80% refund of your ticket (s). Please send your booking details to info@theticketsellers.co.uk. 

Refunds are not guaranteed and will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Special circumstances will be considered after the cut-off—please contact us with your request. If you want to protect your ticket on booking to get a full refund (minus admin fees), you can select ticket insurance on booking. 

The Ticket Office on-site cannot give refunds for any reason.

I can no longer attend the festival. Can I sell my ticket to someone else?

Tickets are non-transferable. Please get in touch for a refund and then ask your friend to buy their ticket through the website. We can no longer support the admin process that goes with ticket transfers and person-to-person sales leave people open to scam sales so we have taken the decision to make our ticket non-transferable. 

Getting Involved

Applications for traders, volunteers, workshops, bands, healers, yoga, movement and other contributors are through this page: https://buddhafield.com/join-us-buddhafield-festival

Applications typically start opening from the start of the year until Spring and then begin to close from late Spring up until close to the event - each area is different, so please click on the ones you want and check out further details there. 

Festival Facilities

Are there Cash Machines, ATMs, on site?

No, the closest ATMs are in Taunton or Wellington. There may be some contactless on site but it is notoriously unreliable - it's best to bring plenty of cash with you.

I have a disability: can I still come to the festival?

Yes. There’s some guidance for Disabled ticket holders under Accessibility Information. You can also contact us via our contact form to ask any further questions.

Can I bring a live-in vehicle or caravan?

Yes, unless it’s a very large motor home (e.g. a Winnebago), a full-size coach or over 7.5 tons. You will need to buy a live-in vehicle pass for the appropriate size vehicle.

See the Camping and Live-ins section of the festival facilities page.

Can I bring my dog?

Please do not bring dogs, cats or other animals. We will simply ask you to leave with them.  

Personal assistance dogs are permitted, as long as a request is given to Buddhafield in advance and via our contact form. We will ask for proof of eligibility to have an assistance dog. Then it is permitted to walk around the site with the dog on a lead when working as long as it is identified as such and the owner takes responsibility for clearing up after them.

When a key member of the event team would not be able to attend the event without bringing an animal they care for, permission is to be granted in advance from the Event Manager.  The Event Manager will determine if risks or potential risks exist before giving permission for an animal to be on site. We can’t extend this to ticket holders.

Can I have a fire at Buddhafield?

There are fire safety points throughout the campsite and live in vehicle fields.

Due to the fire regulations for the events, only open fires, braziers, and BBQs approved by Buddhafield are allowed. In tented areas, we prefer that battery or solar charged lighting is used, and any cooking by camping gas is outside the tent, away from any flammable materials. Parents / caregivers are responsible for their child(ren) around all fires.

Can I buy food at the festival?

There are lots of cafes where you can buy food. We also have a grocery store on site for topping up on essentials. 

Will there be music? What sort? And when does it stop?

There will be a range of amplified and acoustic music, programmed and impromptu, in various venues and cafés around the site. We have DJ sessions and a number of dance workshops throughout the day. 
The event is neither a retreat nor an all-night party, so we ask you to consider our position on both extremes.

Whilst we are asking participants to be considerate about making noise outside of certain timeframes, within those timeframes there will be amplified music that may not suit your tastes, either in style, volume or times of day.     
We expect our amplified music venues to play music up to the higher noise limit of our Licence restrictions at any points during the event between:     
9am-11pm on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday
9am-12pm, Saturday         
If you feel that these times do not suit your preferences, you may wish to reconsider booking tickets or bring ear plugs.

  • Be considerate of fellow campers in the camping areas between 23:00 and 07:00.
  • No unauthorized sound systems or amplifiers to be brought on site. All amplified music must be kept within our license restrictions (please ask the Head Steward if you are unsure of these) and anyone venue breaking these may be shut down.
  • There are late-night cafés and music venues that operate within our license.   If you'd like to stay up all night and chat around a fire please do,  but only around one of our public fire pits. We ask that you are aware that sound travels on the site and people are likely to be sleeping nearby.    

I’m a member of the LGBTQIA+ community: will I be welcome?

Absolutely - yes. We have a dedicated queer space and queer camping area at the festival.

We have some strong queer representation in our core team. We also aim to reflect this as much as possible in our workshops and talks - both through the content and the providers.

Gender diversity is welcome and we make continuing efforts to ensure that this is clear to people onsite.

Please visit the info point if you would like to find out more ways to connect with other LGBTQIA+ folk on site or if you have any questions.

I’m in recovery: will there be anyone I can turn to for support?

Yes, we have 12-Step and 8-Step sessions throughout the event for people in recovery from any sort of addiction.


There may be more nudity than you are accustomed to. Many people enjoy the freedom to be naked in a safe, mixed environment. If you, or your children, may find this difficult you may wish to reconsider booking tickets. You can find out more about the conversation and policies around nudity at Buddhafield here

We want to help everyone to feel comfortable at Buddhafield. That means holding boundaries as well as welcoming freedom. With awareness, sensitivity and kindness, we hope to create a supportive community for everyone so please bear the following in mind: 

  • You may be comfortable being fully naked, but please offer consideration to those people that, given our culture, find nudity distracting, challenging or even threatening.
  • We reserve the right to ask anyone, at any time to either put on clothes or exit a space or area. 
  • Workshop leaders and workshop guardians will let people know if nudity is welcome or likely during sessions. If you are unsure or it’s not clear, then please check with someone before getting undressed. 
  • Adult nudity is prohibited in the children’s and teen areas. 
  • If someone’s state of nudity is regarded as sexually inappropriate, we will ask them to cover themselves and if this request is not followed, the person will be asked to leave the site.
  • If you feel that you are on the receiving end of inappropriate sexual behaviour, please report it to the Info Point, Peacekeepers or Safeguarding Team. 

I have marquees / solar-power rig / a tractor. Want to hire my gear?

Contact the Site Crew Coordinator

Lost Property

What happens to lost property?

During set-up and tat-down there is a Lost Property box in the Crew Servery. During the event, please visit the info point for lost property. 
On the afternoon of the last day of the event, all Lost Property is put out for collection at the Info Point.  Any items not claimed before the Info Point closes are kept on site for five days after the event. Then, any items of considerable value are held for two months until claimed. If you want to check for lost property, please contact us.  For each item returned there is an administration fee of £10 charged on top of the cost of postage, and the method of delivery agreed with the claimant prior to returning. Due to the volume of lost property, and lack of storage, any other items left at the end of the event are either donated to a charity shop or if unusable, disposed of in the landfill waste on-site.

Lots more information to be found in the Terms & Conditions and on the Festival Facilities page if you want to keep learning more about our event...