During set up and tat down, the kitchen team feeds all crew onsite. You'll be part of a team of 20 that chops veg, washes pots, serves and cooks food. Jobs are rotated throughout. All the food is vegan, organic (where possible), and wheat-free (unless stated). We work fluidly assigning tasks in the morning meeting with a chance for space during different parts of the day. To volunteer, you need to be prepared to adhere to our guidelines.
As well as kitchen tasks, there is also space for Dharma study, meditation, ritual, fireside sitting and singing and games. Each day we will have a group check-in to start the morning. We grow and build a team over the days, through working and living together, contributing not just to the practical side of building an event, but to creating the Buddhafield community for everyone.
We ask that you come and be with us 2nd - 27th July with your full camping kit or live-in vehicle. Please bring your energy, generosity, skills, physical labour and your brightness. In return we offer:
- Your ticket to Buddhafield Festival - 16-20 July
- 3 vegan meals a day for the whole time you are onsite
- Hot drinks and snacks throughout the day during the setup and tat-down. Hot drinks throughout the event.
- Meditation teaching and Dharma input, if you'd like it
- An experience of living in a close knit community on the land