Contact Us

Please check out the following pages to see if your question is answered in the relevant place before you get in touch. We are a small team and get a lot of emails so anything you can do to help with that is much appreciated. 

Retreat FAQs
Festival FAQs
Festival Terms & Conditions
Festival Facilities
Festival Accessibility FAQs 

If you can't find what you're looking for, please do get in touch using the form below.

Buddhafield Festival Ticket Queries

If you have a query about a Buddhafield Festival ticket purchase or cancellation/refund, please contact or call them on 0121 472 6688.

Please include your order ID in any correspondence. Please note these details are for public ticket queries only. If you need to ask any other questions about the festival including those about volunteering and contributing, please use the contact form below.

Buddhafield Festival Contributor Enquires

We have online applications for festival contributors - including traders, musicians, volunteers, workshops and so on. You can find these here:

What would you like to talk to us about?